
Summer's gone

I do believe that summer is finally coming to an end.  The weather is chilling, the leaves are beginning to change color, school is becoming much more time consuming, and I myself have become much more studious.  I have no problem with this though.  It feels good to use my time with productive doings.  Time for chemistry lab!

fountain ink & watercolor


le nouveau vélo bleu

My new bicycle that I ride EVERYWHERE.


we the free

Mommy sent me a few things in the mail =)


Happy Schwaggg!!

Schwagstock 42!!
I have no idea where to begin.



My life lately has been perpetually full of fury, agony, confusion, and disappointment.  The people I used to associate myself with have constantly been attacking me for my views, reputation, imperfections, and personal matters if you will.  I mean I understand if you disagree or have a concern about a specific issue, but they have all consisted of the same trend involving... rudeness?  I suppose thats the simplest way I can put it.  I could also mention hypocrisy, close-mindedness (a.k.a. ignorance), and egocentrism (a.k.a. complete selfishness! utterly disgusting).

Obviously nobody is "perfect," and fundamentally and in all actually, nobody is "right."  Who decides the distinguishment between what is ethically wrong and right?  I mean, if you are a Christian believer, then I suppose God indirectly tells you these things through the Bible.  But if by chance the Christian religion is a myth, then there really isn't a difference between right and wrong.  I suppose if you feel a sense of guilt, uneasiness, or shame, then the action/view is wrong.  If you feel as though the action/view is beneficial or positive, then you assume it is right.  It is crazy how personal and wound up people get about these issues, including myself.  I guess it is natural human instinct to defend your opinion and morals though.  Anyhow, the arguments have varied but when you analyze it down to the basis or foundation, the debate is wholly over morality.  What creates your morals?  I think it is perhaps how you were raised by your parents, what you were taught in school... perhaps how society/(the media) portrays the right decisions, political laws, or personal experiences.  Whatever the reason, everyone has a definite set of morals and views on particular, debatable issues. I wish everyone could be open-minded and considerate about others views, however.  Because nobody knows what is "right," nobody should condemn or hate someone for what they believe.  Everyone has been exposed to a moral/(view?) at different depths.  What I mean is, if you grew up in a Christian household and/or attended a religious school and you're a strong believer in the Christian faith, then your perspective of such matters is pretty set in stone and not very varied.  The chances of you being exposed to a different take on religion is not so great, so you perceive your views as the "right" way, and those who have views apart from yours are "wrong."  (Again, that was just a generalization/assumption based on experience and encounters.) I keep rambling on what is on my mind.  It is kind of a repeated circle of unending reasons and philosophies.  Hopefully I haven't offended anyone too much for them to curse at me again and condemn me to the dark weary place in their unconscious mind that they call Hell.  I guess I'm done here.  I still have so many questionable and noteworthy thoughts in my head that I'd like to share on here, but I'm too lazy and busy to continue.

Some simple yet truthful words.
"You can never win in an argument on religion or politics.  Everybody is an expert supposedly."
-My momma


Amazing day

Sooooooo, my mommy drove over here today to see me!  We went out to eat at the local Memphis Pizza Cafe then explored downtown a bit. We stopped by the Midtown Bike Shop, some boutiques, and American Apparel. I can't wait until she comes back. Her company just makes my day perfect! Here are some of the garments now in my possession. =)



Dracaena Sanderiana

Here is my little baby.  My little lucky spiral bamboo plant (which is not actually real bamboo).  Anyway, today has been quite peaceful and serene.  I've been occupying my time studying, painting, and relaxing with my roomie and friends.  I have a paper that needs to be worked on; It's about the underlying themes and meanings beyond the content of the text in The Epic of Gilgamesh.  Philosophy and ethical history isn't really my thing.  Wish me luck!