
Shine on you crazy diamond.

Now there's a look in your eyes, like black holes in the sky.
Shine on you crazy diamond.

-Pink Floyd, Wish You Were Here 1975


Memories from a Shore

Well, after I ate I went outside
to catch some air
And to walk off my drink

And I rolled tabbacco
And watched as the smoke rolled
And magically like you left me.

And I made a firm fist and,
Pissed, thought it brilliant
To throw my hand into the door.

I knew I would have to
Admit that I was wrong
I decided to talk no more.

No, What an embarrassing way to go.

If you wrote a list
Of the times I considered
To swim in my heavenly home

And God and His angels
Are all under water
And callin' my name once for all

Oh and I had this hat
That I lost in September
I miss you less than that, you know.

Oh how can a man
Seek revenge on a woman
He wants to believe has no soul
No home.

What an embarrassing way to go.
- Right Away, Great Captain!